My Plantar Fasciitis has been cured.
I suffered from the dreaded Plantar Fasciitis (PF) for more than a year
Initially, I rolled my foot with foam roller and ice bottle and rolling pin and tennis ball and golf ball and foot massager and taping and pasted medicated plaster and consulted a western doctor and did sports massage and seen Chinese physician and did acupuncture, massage, etc. All of the above did not help and I was still suffering. My family members advised me to stop running for good.
I was so disheartened and was searching for more cures and solutions until I saw my favourite runner Dean Karnazes was advertising for SOLE footbeds and I started to wonder what kind of insoles were
I was excited as I found out that they are good for PF sufferers and read many many reviews from people all over the world saying they helped a lot and they no longer suffer from PF. There are a few types of footbeds available and I did not know which type was suitable for me so I sent a private message to the company asking for advice. They said any of the footbeds will work well in treating PF. I was thrilled in seeing the words “treating PF”. Wow, they actually “treat” PF and not just making your feet more comfortable in them.
I got myself a pair of the thickest version and felt good on my first few runs and ran without pain for the first time. It has been 5 months since I used them and I have not been bothered by PF for 5 months! Now even with increased mileage (70KM per week), the foot still feel comfortable. It’s so amazing and I am so happy to have found a solution, even though the footbeds are not cheap but totally worth it!!! I purchased a second pair last month so that I don’t have to take out and put in so many times with my different pair of running shoes.
There was once I decided to try running without putting the footbeds since my foot has no more pain. Gosh… the pain came back after 2 – 3KM and I knew that I couldn’t carry on this way. It would cause more harm than good so I stopped. Since then, I have not been running without them. They are my saviours. I am not sure about others, but they definitely helped me.
So thankful… so thankful. They are really amazing, they cured my PF!

Note: I wrote this blog on my own accord. I am not being sponsored of anything or any kind from SOLE™.
Featured image credits (Feet image at the very top of this post): Creator
Not sure about curing the PF, it may just remove the symptoms. Actually PF can be treated without the in soles. Once you are healed you should not need any aids (the insoles). Just sharing.
Hi SY, ya I get what you mean. Maybe my PF is still around but I feel no pain running now with the footbeds so I am happy enough, even though yes, I am dependent on them. 🙂
I visited a sports doc through polyclinic referral. Managed to rehab and weaned off all insoles for me after 4-6mths. Ran a HM without pain. In my opinion, the strength training helps. All PTs I met told me PF is caused by poor running mechanics and hip and glutes stability. Just sharing 🙂